

In this guide, we will use SendGrid as an email provider.

Step 1: Create an API Key for Your SendGrid Account

Expand Settings from the left navigation bar, then click on API Keys. Here, you will see all previously generated API keys. To create a new one, click on Create API Key and configure the necessary permissions.


Step 2: Sender Verification

To verify your email sender, choose between Single Sender Verification or Domain Authentication by referring to the official documentation:
Sender Identity

Step 3: Configure Casdoor as an Email Provider

Create a SendGrid email provider in Casdoor and fill in the following fields:

Required Fields

Secret KeyYour SendGrid API key
发件人地址Your verified email address (or domain)

Default Fields

EndpointDefault: /v3/mail/send
主机Default: https://api.sendgrid.com

Email Fields

From NameThe display name of the email sender
Email TitleThe subject of the email
Email ContentSupports HTML templates
Test EmailThe recipient's email address for testing


Finally, click on the Send Testing Email button and check your Test Email address for the test email.