CreatedTime: The time when the application is created.
DisplayName: The name which the application displays to the public.
Logo: Application logos will be displayed on the login and sign up pages.
HomepageUrl: The URL of the application's homepage.
Description: Describes the application.
Tags: Only users with tags listed in the application tags can login.
Organization: The organization that the app belongs to.
EnableSignUp: If users can sign up. If not, accounts of the application.
SigninMethods: Configuration of Sign-in Methods
SignupItems: Fields that need to be filled in when users register.
Providers: Provide all kinds of services for the applications (such as OAuth, Email, SMS service).
ClientId: OAuth client ID.
ClientSecret: OAuth client secret.
RedirectUris: Casdoor will navigate to one of the URIs if the user logged in successfully.
TokenFormat: The format of the generated token. It can be in the following formats: JWT (containing all User fields), JWT-Empty (containing all non-empty values) or JWT-Custom customizing User fields inside access token.
ExpireInHours: Login will expire after hours.
SignupUrl: If you provide a sign-up service independently outside of Casdoor, please fill in the URL here.