(Optional) Try with K8s Helm
Now we show how to deploy Casdoor on Kubernetes using Helm for easy and scalable management.
- A running Kubernetes cluster
- Helm v3 installed
Installation Steps
Step 1: Install the Casdoor Chart
Install the Casdoor chart:
helm install casdoor oci://registry-1.docker.io/casbin/casdoor-helm-charts --version v1.702.0
Step 2: Accessing Casdoor
Once installed, Casdoor can be accessed at the provided service URL by your Kubernetes cluster.
Customization and Configuration
Customize your Casdoor installation by modifying the Helm chart values. For detailed options, refer to the values.yaml file in the chart. The following parameters can be configured.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
replicaCount | Number of replicas of the Casdoor application to run. | 1 |
image.repository | Repository for the Casdoor Docker image. | casbin |
image.name | Name of the Casdoor Docker image. | casdoor |
image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for the Casdoor Docker image. | IfNotPresent |
image.tag | Tag for the Casdoor Docker image. | "" |
config | Configuration settings for the Casdoor application. | See config field |
database.driver | Database driver to use (supports mysql, postgres, cockroachdb, sqlite3). | sqlite3 |
database.user | Database username. | "" |
database.password | Database password. | "" |
database.host | Database host. | "" |
database.port | Database port. | "" |
database.databaseName | Name of the database used by Casdoor. | casdoor |
database.sslMode | SSL mode for the database connection. | disable |
service.type | Type of Kubernetes service to create for Casdoor (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, etc.). | ClusterIP |
service.port | Port number for the Casdoor service. | 8000 |
ingress.enabled | Whether to enable Ingress for Casdoor. | false |
ingress.annotations | Annotations for the Ingress resource. | {} |
ingress.hosts | Hostnames for the Ingress resource. | [] |
resources | Resource requests and limits for the Casdoor container. | {} |
autoscaling.enabled | Whether to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for Casdoor. | false |
autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. | 100 |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. | 80 |
nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment. | {} |
tolerations | Toleration labels for pod assignment. | [] |
affinity | Affinity settings for pod assignment. | {} |
extraContainersEnabled | Whether to enable additional sidecar containers. | false |
extraContainers | Additional sidecar containers. | "" |
extraVolumeMounts | Additional volume mounts for the Casdoor container. | [] |
extraVolumes | Additional volumes for the Casdoor container. | [] |
envFromSecret | Provide Environment variable from secret. | [{name:"",secretName:"",key:""}] |
envFromConfigmap | Provide Environment variable from configmap. | [{name:"",configmapName:"",key:""}] |
envFrom | Provide Environment variable from entire secret or configmap. | [{name:"",type:"configmap \| secret"}] |
Managing the Deployment
To upgrade your Casdoor deployment:
helm upgrade casdoor casdoor/casdoor-helm-charts
To uninstall Casdoor:
helm delete casdoor
For further management and customization, refer to the Helm and Kubernetes documentation.
Using Helm to deploy Casdoor on Kubernetes simplifies the management and scalability of your authentication services within your Kubernetes environment.