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If you need to use file storage services, such as "avatar upload", you will need to set up a storage provider and apply it to your application in Casdoor.

Casdoor supports two types of storage: Local and Cloud. In this chapter, you will learn how to add a storage provider to use these services.


  • Client ID: A unique identifier provided by the cloud storage provider.
  • Client secret: A secure value known only to Casdoor and the cloud storage service.
  • Endpoint: The public URL or domain of the cloud storage service.
  • Endpoint (Intranet): The internal or private URL or domain of the cloud storage service.
  • Path prefix: Path prefix for the file location.

The default Path prefix is "/". For example, when the Path prefix is empty, a default file path would be:

You can fill it with "abcd/xxxx", and then you can store your avatar in:
  • Bucket: A container used for storing files and data.
  • Domain: The custom domain name of the CDN for your cloud storage.
  • Region ID: An identifier used to specify the data center region where the cloud storage service is located.


We support uploading files to the local system.


We support AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, MinIO, Alibaba Cloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, and we are constantly adding more Cloud storage services.