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Account Customization


In an organization, you can customize users' account items. This includes whether each item is visible and its view rule and modify rule.

When you customize account items in an organization, this configuration takes effect on the home page of all members of that organization.

How to Customize?

Account items have four attributes:

Column NameSelectable ValueDescription
Name-Account item name.
VisibleTrue / FalseSelect whether this account item is visible on the user home page.
ViewRuleRule ItemsSelect a rule to use when viewing the account item.
ModifyRuleRule ItemsSelect a rule to use when modifying the account item.

To customize account items, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Organization Edit page.

  2. You will find the following options:


  3. Casdoor provides simple operations to configure account items:

    • Set the item to be visible or invisible.


    • Set viewing and modifying rules.


There are 3 rules available:

  • Public: Everyone has permission.
  • Self: Each user has their own permission.
  • Admin: The administrator has permission.

Account Table

Below are all the fields in the account item. For descriptions, you can refer to user.

  • Organization
  • ID
  • Name
  • Display name
  • Avatar
  • User type
  • Password
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Country/Region
  • Location
  • Affiliation
  • Title
  • Homepage
  • Bio
  • Tag
  • Signup application
  • 3rd-party logins
  • Properties
  • Is admin
  • Is global admin
  • Is forbidden
  • Is deleted