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Step 1. Preparation

First, you need to have a merchant account at Alipay Open Platform.

Before accessing the Alipay, there are some preparations that need to be done.

You can refer to the documentation preparation before access for more information.

1.1 Get APPID

Login the Alipay Open Platform Console and create an application.

How to get the APPID : Alipay APPID Query Guide

1.2 Configure Cert

Generate an RSA2 certificate based on the document and then you can obtain the appPrivateKey.txt and appPublicKey.txt.

Upload the certificate to the applicaiton and then you can download three files: alipayRootCert.crt, appCertPublicKey.crt, alipayCertPublicKey.crt.

Create a Cert called App Cert at Casoor:

NameName in Alipay
Typechoose Payment
Certificatecontent of appCertPublicKey.crt
Private keycontent of appPrivateKey.txt

alipay app cert

Create a Cert called Root Cert at Casoor:

NameName in Alipay
Typechoose Payment
Certificatecontent of alipayCertPublicKey.crt
Private keycontent of alipayRootCert.crt

alipay root cert

Step 2. Create an Alipay Payment provider

Next, create an Alipay Payment provider in Casdoor by filling in the necessary information.

NameName in Alipay
Categorychoose Payment
Typechoose Alipay
Client IDAPPID obtained from Step 1.1
CertApp Cert configured at Step 1.2
Root CertRoot Cert configured at Step 1.2

alipay provider

Step 3. Add the Alipay Pay Payment provider for your product

Finally, add the Alipay Payment provider for your product so that users can purchase the product using Alipay.

add wechat pay payment provider for product