Cloudflare Turnstile
Cloudflare Turnstile is a CAPTCHA service provided by Cloudflare, which is a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA. You can find more details in the Turnstile Docs.
Create an API key pair
To start using Cloudflare Turnstile, you need to create a Cloudflare account, navigate to the Turnstile
tab on the navigation bar, and obtain the Site Key and Secret Key.
First, add a name for the widget to identify it in the future and enter your website's hostname. Then choose the widget type. It is recommended to choose Managed
. Finally, click Create.
You will then be able to obtain a site key and a secret key.
Configure in Casdoor
Create a new provider in Casdoor.
Select the category as Captcha and the type as Cloudflare Turnstile. Fill in the site key and the secret key that you obtained in the previous step.
You can click the Preview button to see a preview of the style of this CAPTCHA.
Application Integration
Edit the application you want to configure in Casdoor. Select the provider that you just added and click the Save button.