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According to the Kubernetes documentation, the API Server of Kubernetes can be authenticated using OpenID Connect (OIDC). This article will guide you on how to configure authentication in Kubernetes using Casdoor.

Environment Requirements

Before starting, please make sure that you have the following environment:

  • A Kubernetes cluster.
  • A Casdoor application like this demo website.
  • kubectl command tool (optional).

Kubernetes oidc-issuer-url only accepts URLs which use the https:// prefix. So your Casdoor application should be deployed on an HTTPS website.

Step 1: Creating a Casdoor App and User Account for Authentication

Go to your Casdoor application and add a new application called Kubernetes. Please remember the Name, Organization, client ID, client Secret, and add some grant types to this app.

Create an application in Casdoor Grant types

Next, add a new user to the application that you just created. Please note that the Organization and Signup application used here should correspond to the app registered earlier.

Add a user in Casdoor

Step 2: Configure Kubernetes API Server with OIDC Authentication

To enable the OIDC plugin, you need to configure the following flags on the API server:

  • --oidc-issuer-url: URL of the provider that allows the API server to discover public signing keys.
  • --oidc-client-id: A client id that all tokens must be issued for.

This article uses minikube for demonstration. You can configure the OIDC plugin for the minikube's API server using the following command at startup:

minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.oidc-issuer-url= --extra-config=apiserver.oidc-client-id=294b09fbc17f95daf2fe

Step 3: Test OIDC Authentication

Obtain Authentication Information

Due to the lack of a frontend in kubectl, authentication can be performed by sending a POST request to the Casdoor server. Here is the code in Python which sends a POST request to the Casdoor server and retrieves the id_token and refresh_token:

import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
"grant_type": "password",
"client_id": "Kubernetes",
"client_secret": "72c65c3912aec24a9f3ec41b65a7577114ed2bae",
"username": "user_3u94sf",
"password": "123456"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload)


After executing this code, you should receive a response similar to the following:

"access_token": "xxx",
"id_token": "yyy",
"refresh_token": "zzz",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 72000,
"scope": ""

Now, you can use the id_token that you just obtained to authenticate with the Kubernetes API server.

HTTP Request-Based Authentication

Add the token to the request header.

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(id_token)"
  • is the Kubernetes API server deployment address.

Kubectl Client-Based Authentication

Configuration File Method

Write the following configuration to the ~/.kube/config file. You should replace each configuration item in the configuration file above with the values you obtained earlier.

- name: minikube
client-id: Kubernetes
client-secret: 72c65c3912aec24a9f3ec41b65a7577114ed2bae
id-token: $(id_token)
refresh-token: $(refresh_token)
name: oidc

Now, you can directly access your API server using kubectl. Try running a test command.

kubectl cluster-info

Command Line Argument Method

Alternatively, you can authenticate by directly adding the id_token to the command line parameters of kubectl.

kubectl --token=$(id_token) cluster-info