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Jenkins OIDC

Casdoor can use the OIDC protocol as an IDP to connect various applications. In this example, we will use Jenkins to demonstrate how to use OIDC to connect to your applications.

The following are some of the names used in the configuration:

  • CASDOOR_HOSTNAME: The domain name or IP where the Casdoor server is deployed.

  • JENKINS_HOSTNAME: The domain name or IP where Jenkins is deployed.

Step 1: Deploy Casdoor and Jenkins

Firstly, deploy Casdoor and Jenkins.

After a successful deployment, ensure the following:

  1. Set the Jenkins URL (Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Jenkins Location) to JENKINS_HOSTNAME. Jenkins URL

  2. Ensure that Casdoor can be logged in and used normally.

  3. Set Casdoor's origin value (conf/app.conf) to CASDOOR_HOSTNAME. Casdoor conf

Step 2: Configure the Casdoor application

  1. Create a new Casdoor application or use an existing one.

  2. Add a redirect URL: http://JENKINS_HOSTNAME/securityRealm/finishLogin Casdoor Application Setting

  3. Add the provider you want and provide any additional settings.

You will obtain two values from the application settings page: Client ID and Client secret. We will use these values in the next step.

Open your favorite browser and visit: http://CASDOOR_HOSTNAME/.well-known/openid-configuration to view the OIDC configuration of Casdoor.

Step 3: Configure Jenkins

First, we need to install OpenId Connect Authentication as Jenkins does not natively support OIDC.

After the installation is complete, go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security. jenkins global security


Make sure to back up the Jenkins config.xml file to recover in case of any setup errors.

  1. In Access Control, select Login with Openid Connect as the Security Realm.

  2. Specify the Client ID noted above in the Client ID field.

  3. Specify the Client secret noted above in the Client secret field.

  4. In the Configuration mode, select Automatic configuration and enter http://CASDOOR_HOSTNAME/.well-known/openid-configuration as the Well-known configuration endpoint. Jenkins' Setting

    If your Casdoor is deployed locally, you may need to select Manual configuration and provide the following information:

    • Token server URL: http://CASDOOR_HOSTNAME/api/login/oauth/access_token
    • Authorization server URL: http://CASDOOR_HOSTNAME/login/oauth/authorize
    • UserInfo server URL: http://CASDOOR_HOSTNAME/api/get-account
    • Scopes: address phone openid profile offline_access emailManual configuration
  5. Click on Advanced settings and fill in the following:

    • In the User name field, specify name.
    • In the Full name field, specify displayName.
    • In the Email field, specify email.

    Userinfo Field Setting

  6. In the Authorization section, enable “Logged-in users can do anything” and disable “Allow anonymous read access”. You can configure more complex authorization later, but for now, check if OpenID works correctly.

    Log out of Jenkins, and it should redirect you to Casdoor for authentication. Jenkins Login Page