Casdoor ecosystem
List of plugins for casdoor
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126 pluginsOur favorites
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For .NET desktop apps
For ASP.NET backends
Active Directory Federation Service
For Android apps
For Angular websites
For ASP.NET Blazor WASM websites
ACS as the Email Provider
ACS as the SNS provider
For C/C++ desktop apps
For C/C++ backends
For Dart backends
For Electron apps
For Google Firebase mobile apps
For Google Firebase web apps
For Flutter apps
For Angular websites
For frontend-only SPA websites
For Go backends
For iOS apps
For Java backends
For traditional non-SPA websites
For Next.js websites
For Node.js backends
For PHP backends
For Python backends
For React Native apps
For React websites
For Ruby backends
For Rust backends
For twitter oauth
For twitter notification
For uni-app apps
For Unity 2D/3D PC/Mobile games
For Vue websites